What's been going on in Chapel Hill? 10 things!
1. It has snowed here twice and both times people have teetered close to the edge of insanity and North Carolina actually declared a state of emergency... it barely covered the ground.
2. Basketball season has started, which means me re-learning the names of all the players.
3. Our house has decided to be a safe zone for all the neighborhood mice, we've caught 4 :(
4. We hosted a super bowl party that 70 students came to
5. God provided my roommate Ashley's support and tonight will be her first time on campus, she will be going into Craige dorm to meet freshmen and we're praying that she meets lots of people who don't know Jesus.
6. I'm helping 3 sophomore girls start up Bible Studies for the freshmen they've met!
7. Our sophomore girls are studying the life of Jesus in the book of
John, the staff women at UNC put together a study that looks at:
How Jesus is the Great I AM (Exodus 3:14-15 and John 8:58) How Jesus fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament, How Jesus relates to women, Jesus as our source of life, Jesus as the light in the darkness, Jesus as the way to heaven, Jesus' relationship with His Father, and Jesus as the Gospel that we respond to.
-Every day they study a different verse or passage
-Every week they read two chapters of the book of John
-We are also leading them through a book called the
Master Plan of Evangelism so they are better equipped to reach their fellow students
-They are held to memorizing 2-3 verses each week
-We go with them into the dorms and to meet their friends, modeling before them what ministry looks like!
8. Next weekend we are hoping to have 100 students go with us from NC State, Duke, and UNC-Chapel Hill to Asheville, NC for a Campus Outreach Ski Retreat!
9. When I'm not on campus, I am probably doing one of the following:
-meeting with someone on staff about what's going on in the Women's Movement on campus
-studying the book of
Hosea in my personal time with God
-reading C.S. Lewis'
Out of the Silent Planet (I love it! It's the first book in his space trilogy) or the
Lost Women of the Bible by Carolyn Curtis James (this is what my women's accountability group is reading) and I am also reading Gordon MacDonald's
Ordering your Private World (I really suck at time management and end up busier than I need to be!)
-planning for things on campus
-organizing stuff for retreat, campus meetings, meals for students, helping the other staff women with what's going on in their ministries.
10. I joined a church that I L-O-V-E! It's called The Summit and it's really passionate about reaching the city of Raleigh for Christ! Their mission is Love God. Love People. Love the World. They even have a pastor for Church Planting and their vision is to plant 1,000 churches around the world starting in the Research Triangle (Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh). Woo hoo! Here's their web-site-- www.summitchurch.cc